How to Achieve Restorative Sleep

What Restorative Sleep Is, How it Effects your Wellbeing, and How to Achieve It

Click "Register Now" to receive just one email with Sleep Hygiene Fundamentals & Principles and How to Avoid Sleep Deprivation.  This is my gift to you, sleep is complementary to eating healthy, stress management, and exercise; these lifestyle choices and habits all affect one another!

Sleep deprivation has significant effects on the body’s ability to lose and gain weight. Here’s what sleep deprivation causes:

  • Slower metabolism: Your body uses its resources slowly and keeps weight on.
  • Greater appetite: Your body wonders why it’s awake but knows it needs food.
  • Hormone imbalance*: You have 20% more hormones telling you to eat and 15% less hormones telling you that you are full.
  • Snack cravings: You crave high-fat, high-carb foods to help calm your brain down.

*Sleep is closely tied with hormonal health. On one hand, hormone levels are influenced by how much sleep we get, while on the other, hormonal balance (or imbalance!) affects how well we sleep. 

You can reply to the email if you have any questions or comments.  Please don't hesitate, I'd love to hear from you! 

Tracey Powers, NBC-HWC, INHC   



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